Homeschooling on lockdown in the UK
My top 10 tips for simplifying homeschooling on lockdown! Hope you enjoy!
1.) Chill out!
2.) Find a way to balance everyones needs.
3.) Focus on your kids interests.
4.) Focus on your own interests.
5.) Use the technique of strewing.
6.) You don't need a timetable.
7.) Just add brownies.
8.) Resistance = stop!
9.) Read aloud!
10.) They're going to be ok.
Julie Bogart/Brave Writer
My name is Kate and it's a pleasure to share my journey to living a simpler, greener life with you.
No extreme measures here and certainly no perfection just one step at a time!
I am based in Buckinghamshire in the UK with my Partner and two kiddos.
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