Housing Market Predictions 2020!
Is the housing market going to crash in 2020 or will we see another year of a stable real estate market? Well-researched and supported by facts, let's take a look at housing market predictions 2020!
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In practice, I share with my clients to simply #JTAB = Just Take a Breath it'll be alright as we move forward together. Remember, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. What's the best way to replace FEAR? With knowledge! You're doing that right now. Kudos!
What you'll learn:
1. Will mortgage rates rise in 2020?
2. Is the real estate market crashing?
3. 2020 housing market predictions!
NOTE: To adjust video speed for your listening/ viewing pleasure, please use the settings icon on the bottom right of your screen. It looks like a gear. =)
1. 0:50 - 7 Topics covered in this video with the video format.
2. 1:30 - Will more mortgage interest rates rise in 2020?
a. Track the mortgage interest prime rate at:
b. Suggested Videos:
i. Picking a Real Estate Agent - https://youtu.be/64--LA0L2x8
ii. 21 Hard Facts You Need to Know Selling Your House -
3. 5:03 - Real Estate Market Supply & Demand - New Home Construction & Resale Home Inventory!
a. NAR Research & Statistics:
b. Track Existing Home Sales:
c. NAR Home Buyer & Seller Generational Trends:
d. Realtor.com 2020 National Housing Forecast:
e. Zillow.com 2020 Predictions:
f. Track Housing Starts: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/HOUST
4. 11:38 - Home Affordability = Migration Patterns!
a. Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2020: https://www.pwc.com/us/en/asset-management/real-estate/assets/pwc-emerging-trends-in-real-estate-2020.pdf
b. Hipsturbia: https://www.axios.com/hipsturbia-millennials-suburbs-cities-cost-of-living-593c6fa4-8322-4d96-92e4-acbe47c63436.html
c. Interactive Housing Affordability Map: https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/son-2019-affordability-map
5. 14:35 - Generational Shifts!
a. Top 10 Hottest Metros: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/realtors-expect-these-to-be-the-10-hottest-housing-markets-for-the-next-3-5-years/
6. 17:55 - Home Appreciation Forecast - It's All About Balance!
a. https://www.worldpropertyjournal.com/real-estate-news/united-states/irvine/real-estate-news-corelogic-home-price-index-october-2019-us-home-price-data-housing-trends-for-2020-hpi-forecast-frank-nothaft-11703.php
b. Redfin 2020 Housing Market Predictions: https://www.redfin.com/blog/2020-housing-market-predictions/
c. Zillow 2020 Real Estate Forecast: https://www.zillow.com/research/2020-predictions-26100/
d. Realtor.com 2020 Real Estate Market Predictions 2020:
e. Corelogic Home Price Index: https://www.corelogic.com/insights/home-price-index.aspx
7. 20:14 - State of the Housing Market!
a. The Dodd-Frank Act:
b. Mortgage Delinquency Rates: https://www.corelogic.com/Blog/2019/01/mortgage-delinquency-rates-for-all-loan-types-continue-to-fall.aspx
c. Track US Economic Indicators: https://www.bea.gov/
8. 25:00 - Final Thoughts!
If you learned something new from this video, please support my channel and help us grow: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/andrewfinneyteam
Enjoy an amazing day!
Andrew Finney
Trusted Real Estate Advisor, USMC Veteran
License S.0173260
[email protected]
Andrew Finney Team
King Realty Group, Inc.
6955 North Durango Drive Suite 1004
Las Vegas, NV 89149
Disclaimers/ Credits:
At the time of production, Andrew Finney, S.0173260, is a real estate salesperson with King Realty Group in Las Vegas, NV.
Andrew's videos are his own and do not necessarily represent the views and/ or opinions of KRG.
The purpose of Andrew's videos is to educate you and help you make sense of the real estate process. If you have questions about home loans, real estate, taxes, financial advice, real estate law, insurance, professional trades, or any other services where you live, you are advised to reach out to the appropriate professional for further counsel about your own unique situation.
Video Inspiration: You!
Awesome Music Courtesy of:
Song: Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyRightSounds.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ULJ92aldE
Download this track for FREE: http://bit.ly/SynColeFeelGoodDL