How Falling Asleep On The Job Killed 158 | The Crash Of Air India Express 812
This is the story of Air India Express flight 812. On the 22nd of may 2012 a boeing 737-800 was on its way from dubai to the south indian city of mangalore. Air india express is a low cost branch of air india, the flag carrier of india. With a lot of indians working in dubai the airline is quite popular with people looking to visit loved ones back home.
Today they'd be flying into mangalore international airport. Landing at mangalore airport is tricky. Mangalore airport is what the indian government describes as a “Critical Airfield”. This means that only the captain is allowed to perform take offs and landings at this airport. The reason for this being that mangalore airport has a table top run way. One of only three airports in india with table top runways. This makes landings and take offs really hard. One small mistake and theres a ravine at the end of the runway. With a runway of a little over 8000 feet the airport is much smaller than other small airports in the vicinity like calicut international,which is also another critical airfield, coimbatore international and cochin international.
On the ground at dubai workers were hard at work turning the plane around for its return flight to mangalore, They fueled the plane and boarded the 160 passengers for todays flight. At 1:06 am local time the plane took off, the initial climb and cruise were uneventful,
The plane came into contact with mangalore area control at 5:32am IST as it approached the waypoint IGAMA. After passing IGAMA the copilot enquired about the type of approach theyd be making, control replied that theyd be making an ILS DME arc approach. Now at about 130 miles from the airport, the first officer asked permission to descend. But due to separation issues this request was denied. The plane flew on, once the plane was at dme 80 the controller finally gave them clearance to descend to 7000 feet, they were now at dme 77.
Now at 18,400 feet the controller gives the crew permission to descend to 2900 feet, the copilot asks if they could join the 10 DME arc via 336 directly. This would speed up their approach Throughout the approach the airplane has been a bit too high, but this didn’t bother the crew too much, they still had a ways to go and loosing some altitude shouldn't be too hard of a task.
The crew must have been a bt fatigued at this point the first officer yawns a bit. The plane was arriving in mangalore at daybreak and the timing of the flight can be a bit taxing if youre not used to being awake at those hours.
At 5:52 am IST the plane was handed off from mangalore area control to ATC at the airport. ATC asked the pilots to report when they were on the 10 DME arc for the ILS approach onto runway 24. Once on the 10 DME arc ATC asks the crew to let them know once they were established on the ILS. At about this point the captain realised that the plane was too high and he lowered the landing gear and armed the speedbrakes in flight detent to increase their rate of descent. They werent following the standard procedure to intercept the ILS. they were twice as high as they needed to be for a safe ILS intercept. Its 6:03 am IST and the plane is now at 2.5 DME from the airport. The radio altimeter calls out 2500, this was immediately followed by, ITS too high and runway straight down by the first officer. The first officer realises that things are starting to go wrong. At this point the captain disengages the autopilot and he manually increased the rate of descent in an attempt to intercept the localizer. The copilot asks “GO AROUND?” The captain replies with “WRONG LOC..... LOCALISER ..... GLIDE PATH”. The copilot reiterates “GO AROUND” “UNSTABILISED”. The copilot was making it clear as day that he thought that the plane is in danger. But the copilot never took any action. In his attempt to intercept the glideslope the captain has now put the plane into a screeching dive of about 4000 fpm. This prompted automated warnings to blare in the cockpit.