How safe is your school? New data breaks down violence in Louisiana schools
On the last day of school last year at John Ehret High School on the West Bank last year, the number of fights among students got so bad administrators put the school on lockdown and called in the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office to help bring the situation under control.
"I was kind of scared because at my school there weren't really any lockdowns like that,” said student Ameer Joseph the day it happened.
Parents complained of the violence with students settling neighborhood scores on school grounds and words on social media handled with fists the next day at school.
“It's different when you see it on the news, but when it's yours you're kind of frantic,” one parent told Eyewitness News.
Despite parents’ concerns about the violence at Ehret, the school fell just outside of the top ten schools reporting the most incidents of violence for the 2018-19 school year with 24 incidents reported to the state.