How to ACTUALLY Jungle: By a Mid Lane Main | Skill Capped
How to ACTUALLY Jungle in Low Elo - By a Mid Main!
LoL Guide Description: We let Hector, a top challenger mid lane main take over the jungle role for a week. He gave us a lot to think about in terms of what laners actually want from their jungler and what the results can look like. This guide isn't designed for you to directly copy his decision making, but to get some takeaways to apply to your already well rounded jungle concepts you've learned here at Skill-Capped. Enjoy!
Concepts Featured:
Concepts Featured: How to Jungle, Jungle Guide, Smurf Jungle, Jungle in Low Elo, Carry as Jungle, Carry Jungle, Best Jungle Champions, Best Junglers, Jungle Carry, Pro Jungle Guides, Skill Capped Jungle Guides, Hidden Jungle Mechanics, How to Gank, Gank Lanes, Camp Lanes, How to Camp Lanes, How to Camp, Carry laners, carry as jungle, snowball as jungle, jungle 10.4, 10.4 jungle, 10.4 jungle picks, jungle tier list, pocket picks, hector, nightblue3, how to gank, best ganks, mcbaze, how to jungle in season 10, ganking.
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