How to: Build a Hardtop Part 2 + Tropical Storm Isaias in the Dominican Republic! (S2 E16)
In this weeks episode of Barefoot Sail and Dive we continue to make progress on our new fibreglass hardtop! However with every step forward there are two steps back!
Tropical Storm Isaias made a direct hit to Luperon! Luperon is and has been a great hurricane hole for over 40 years but 2020 has made everything crazy! We had no damage to our boat but Davy was out rescuing others who had dragged their moorings or broken free entirely!
Our good friends on Sailing Music and Lyrics and Bums on a Boat were helping out in the harbour as well. When everything goes crazy we try and help out as much as we can in the hopes that if we ever need help someone will do it for us!
As always thank you to our Patrons as well as all our family and friends for all the support! It is incredible! If you would like to become a patron check out the link:
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