How to Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever❤️
How to Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever. Filipina Dating Website: ❤️
I want to encourage every single subscriber to this channel to make a 'Decision Divorced from Emotions.' A choice to make 2020 a year of you living life to the very fullest. And I want to encourage you that,
No matter who you are,
No matter what trials and hardships you’ve been going through,
And no matter what you’re facing now…
You Really Can Choose to Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever.
Here’s How…
#1. Let Go of the Past.
All the Emotional Baggage, Regrets, Disappointments and Broken Dreams.
Just choose to let it all go...
#2. Create a Specific Plan for Your Life in 2020.
One That Covers the Following 12 Areas:
1. Your Health and Fitness.
Because your health is everything. The trouble is so often we take it for granted. One of my biggest goals for 2020 is to get my health back. 2. Your Intellect.
Watch Documentaries. Read Books. Learn a New Language. 3. Your Emotional Health and Wellbeing.
Avoid toxic people. Get in touch with your emotions. Quit ignoring issues and face them instead. 4. Your Character.
At the end of the day, integrity is everything. So step up to the plate and be a man. 5. Your Relationships.
Read the Book: Men are from Mars - Women are from Venus. Relationships are anything but easy. We need all the help we can get. Another Amazing Book is: The Gift of the Blessing. If you're still carrying hurt from your childhood, it will help you understand why. And at the same time, it will hand you the keys to healing your deepest hurts. 6. Your Finances.
Read the Books: Rich Dad Poor Dad. And The Cashflow Quadrant. By Robert Kiyosaki. These two books will change your understanding of how money works. 7. Your Spiritual Life.
Try praying. It works. 8. Your Career Or Business.
There's a reason 80% of all businesses go broke... "If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail." 9. Your Social Life.
Treasure your friends. Never take them for granted. 10. Your Quality of Life.
You are where you are today largely because of the choices you've made thus far. Make 2020 the year when you start designing a better quality life for you and those you love. 11. Your Vision.
Where there is no vision, people perish. Discover your purpose and start moving towards it in everything you say and do. Because, vision adds value to everything! 12. Parenting.
For many of us, we find ourselves as stepfathers. I personally have a Thai Stepdaughter whom I absolutely adore. We talk every day and my commitment to her is heartfelt and lifelong. She is one of the greatest things that's ever happened in my life. Later this year, I'll take on the responsibility of being a Stepfather to My Filipinas 12 Yr Old Son. It's a huge responsibility. One I pray for wisdom for all the time. #3. Ask Better Questions in 2020.
I know I'm like a broken record on this. But it really is a life-changer. Grab a copy of Noah St Johns "Book of Afformations" It's not a perfect book. But it will 100% change the way you ask questions forever. #4. Try Stuff You’ve Never Done Before.
Nothing gets your adrenaline pumping like your first parachute jump. #5. Discover How to Eat An Elephant.
HINT: It’s ‘One Bite At a Time. Yard by yard, life is hard. But Inch by inch it's a sinch. You really can make 2020 your very best year ever. I want to encourage you with this thought... Life is all about choices and consequences. If you choose to apply the simple ideas in this video, you will start making much better choices in life. And better choices will give you a better life. It really is that simple. Thanks for Watching!Make it a Great 2020!