How to Make Any Man Miss You Using Social Media - 5 Powerful Tips!
In this video, you will learn how to make your man miss you using social media. So, if you’re in a relationship and feeling taken for granted or unappreciated and you want to make him miss you and think about you when you’re apart, then this is the video for you.
When your boyfriend seems distant or not as into you as he was before, it’s a scary position to be in. You feel insecure and worry that he might be slipping away… so, it’s natural to want to do something to fix the problem and make things go back to the way they used to be. But Unfortunately, the things you try to do to bring him close again (like trying to see him more and asking him what’s wrong) will actually push him further away.
And the harder you try.. the worse things seem to be. IF that sounds familiar, don’t worry.. because these powerful social media tips will turn things around and have him missing you like crazy. But I have to warn you.. posting the wrong things on social media will not help you. In fact, posting the wrong things will only make things worse.. so I must start by explaining the things that you should absolutely not do if you’re trying to make him miss you or bring him closer.
For example, let’s say that your man is not texting, calling or communicating with you as much as he once did. And, when you ask him about it, he says.. everything is ok.. he’s just busy. Meanwhile, you see that he is constantly online. So, in an attempt to figure out what’s going on, you decide to post something like a story or photo and then wait to see if he watches it, likes it, or comments about it. I know, we have all done it, right. You post something because you want to see if he is going to watch it or respond to it in any way.
But here is The problem…. Too often, the stories, photos or videos that you post will appear to him as an obvious attempt to get his attention or make him jealous in some way. And when that happens, things become worse. It looks like a desperate attempt to get his attention or manipulate him in some way, and that is not a good thing. So, first, I want to share the things that you should not do because they will make things worse.
I’m Dr Antonio Borrello, and I’m a psychologist and relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on making your love life the best part of your life, start now by subscribing here.
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Are you interested in dating advice for women or advice on relationship problems? If so, you have found the dating coach for you. This channel is all about love tips, relationships and love, relationship problems and signs he likes you. Essentially, this channel is focused on love advice and helping you understand what men want.
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how to make a guy miss you
how to make any man obsessively desire you
how to make him miss you