How To Run A Profitable Business & Make Money
What are clients really asking when say, "How much does this cost?" What I wished I knew when I ran my first business. Learn the difference between cost, price and value. In this live stream Chris shares how you can make more money by knowing the difference between cost, price, and value. He reveals that value is subjective to the person buying.
06:00 - What is cost?
08:00 - What do people really mean when they say cost?
08:30 - What is the real meaning of value?
11:00 - What should all go into cost?
13:00 - How much should you should charge for profit?
20:00 - Who takes more of the risk you or your client?
23:00 - Who determines the value and price between you and the seller?
32:00 - What is the double keystone effect?
45:00 - Why does the cost of a Coke vary between wholesaler, retailer, and movie theater?
54:00 - Recap
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