How to Talk about Football (Soccer) in English - Spoken English Lesson
In this lesson you can learn how to talk about football in English.
Do you play football? Do you watch football, or support a team? You can learn useful language to talk about who you support, talk about a football match, and more!
Practice your conversation skills to become a better English speaker with our professional teachers! Find out how:
See the full version of this free English lesson here:
1. Who do you support? 1:20
2. Talking about a football match 6:13
3. Talking about trophies and competitions 10:22
4. Talking about players and transfers 13:01
This lesson will help you:
- Understand the basics of different football teams and how you can talk about football in English.
- Explain which football team you support and give you useful vocabulary to talk about that team in English conversation.
- Get an idea of how you can explain soccer in English and the different players to others.
- Learn useful conversational phrases to talk about soccer in English.
- Talk about a football match in English effectively.
- Understand how to talk about trophies and competitions when discussing football in English.
- Get useful phrases and vocabulary to describe football players and transfers that happen in football in English.
Get more practice with our other free English lessons! See them here: