Husky Puppies Funniest Reaction To Lemon & Lime! [WITH CAPTIONS!] [BEST REACTION EVER!]
Sooooo hello everyone!! So sorry we not been on here last couple days I have been away when I’m back the dogs will be so exited il the film it haha! Anyway! Before I went I had this gem stored away! I cannot explain how much it made us laugh hahahah. My puppy Lolas vocal side is really starting to come out and personality grow it’s so funny to see how she reacts. She was unsure but really wanted to eat it hahaha. The way she jumps around the way huskies do is so so funny!! We did try this with Millie and Rupert our other two last year they didn’t react this much Hahahaha. Made me laugh so so much. We tried captions too for you all haha! Hope you all too! Thanks for watching! Love you all!