I Bought a Table Saw on Black Friday
Sup Watch Backpack - https://supwatch.com/men-s-vintage-brown-crazy-horse-cow-leather-large-capacity-travel-backpack.html
Links & Coupon Codes
- Give Rise Merch: http://www.glsgear.com
- 10% off Kore Gun Belts: http://www.koreessentials.com -
- 10% off anything on the Olight Store: http://www.olightstore.com -
- 10% off Method Supplements: http://www.chooseyourmethod.com -
- Get a shirt and patch with any Vaultek Purchase:
http://www.vaulteksafe.com - "GLS19"
If you want to learn more about shooting, check out my eBook, "The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Guns" here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B012DS0URE
If you want to work with Green Light Shooting, email Chad at [email protected].