I Feel Love: Full Reconstruction Pt. 1/2
Today I recreate Giorgio Moroder's classic "I Feel Love" ft Donna Summer using only analogue instruments! This is part 1 of 2 about the drums. ►Check out Antelope Audio's Discrete 4: https://en.antelopeaudio.com/products/discrete-4-synergy-core/
►Download the multi-track of I Feel Love by Doctor Mix: http://www.doctormix.com/I-Feel-Love.html
►TA Programming: https://taprogramming.com/product-category/interfaces/
►Erm Multiclock: https://www.e-rm.de/multiclock
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►My I Feel Love 303 Bassline: https://youtu.be/sIBSN1_9Geo
► Watch all my 808 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3zIryVDCWcVOKNay7IX0dhw8AR30Os3Y