I had a friend- Original Song / send this to your ex best friend
Hi. Hello.
This song started of as being about 2 friends growing up together & moving apart but it morphed partly into a love song, yet i think that same degree of love & drive to be together can be found in friendship too, maybe even on a deeper level.
These characters are not specific people that's up to your imagination to complete:
One craves the others company but learns that devotion to a single persons attention isn't sustainable. After many years of happiness after this release of devotion, their friend appears again but neither feel the same level of connection anymore yet it doesnt take away from the love they had.
"Maybe I'll see you sometime again" is to show that under the surface maybe they do still need eachother, they're unsure but willing to try. Maybe all they need is some compassion & time, maybe then they'll be okay again.
this song was inspired by the genius that is Alec Benjamin