IBM VM Recovery Manager - Top 10 New Features in V1.4
This is an overview of the top 10 new features in the latest 2019/2020 VM Recovery Manager (VMR) V1.4.0 release including SP1. This is not an all inclusive list of the product updates but rather the ones that I thought were the most useful and worthwhile highlighting.
Features in video:
1) New HADR Ksys Topology @2:25
2) Asymmetric Host Groups @10:11
3) VM Workgroups @12:40
4) Auto VM Management Tunable @16:14
5) GUI Usability Enhancements @17:49
6) Custom Logic Entry Points @20:28
7) ProActive HA Feature @21:45
8) VM Agent Application Orchestration & Dependencies @23:46
9) DR Rehearsal Enhancements @27:38
10) Reports Feature @32:49