Ichthyosis of the Foot: Travelin' Man's Severe Skin Condition and Treatment
#toenails #dcfootdoctor #ichthyosis #takecareofyourfeet #callus #podiatry #top10 #sheabutter #washingtondc #nailfungus #howto #myfeetarekillingme #feet #ingrowntoenail #doctors #best #dcdoctors #gout
In Part 2 of the Travelin' Man series, the patient who came over 800 miles from Florida to see me has a severe skin condition of his feet treated. Ichthyosis is a condition in which the skin becomes dry, hard, and scaly like a fish. Some of it can removed with a scalpel, most of it cannot, so topical medications and daily home treatment with a pumice stone are needed.
Keywords: ichthyosis, callus,
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Kevin E. Jefferson, DPM
Metropolitan Podiatry Associates, PLLC
7603 Georgia Avenue NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20012
E-mail: [email protected]
Got foot problems? To schedule a live video chat with Dr. Jefferson click www.tinyurl.com/dcfootdoctorvideochat
Office website is www.tinyurl.com/metropodiatry
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