If Gas Cars Are Banned, Can The Grid Handle Electric Cars?
Can The Power Grid Handle A Surge In Electric Cars?
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If combustion engines are banned, can the electric power grid really handle a surge of electric cars? Let’s dive into the challenges associated with electric car charging, and the infrastructure required for it to happen at scale. We’ll look at the hard numbers based on US drivers, average miles driven, average fuel economy and energy efficiency, electricity production and distribution, how long we have to implement upgrades, average household energy consumption, how power gets to our houses, local grid problems, smart grids, real world examples of where this has happened, and the future challenges facing electric vehicles.
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Sources/Relevant Links:
EIA US Energy FAQ - https://bit.ly/3rBqjOc
EIA Electricity Explained - https://bit.ly/3cYGql2
Norway Electricity Consumption - https://www.iea.org/countries/norway
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