#Jamuary2020 Day 31: Hand-Some Boy (Nintendo Labo Piano + Volca Drum/Sample)
I wanted to do something really crazy for today's final jam. I wanted to make a statement, stand out. I wasn't even 100% concerned with music, but what I do to create music.
I use a wonderful method to create sounds from 2 dimensional objects, the Nintendo Labo piano. So you can create a shape, scan it and then you have a sound.
The special thing in this case is that it is my son's hand, and that's because we just celebrated his 2nd anniversary of his heart surgery. Without this absolutely necessary operation, he would not be the most wonderful son I can imagine a father today. So I wanted to dedicate this last jam of the #Jamuary to my son by making it part of this jam through his hand and the sound you create.
Please don't be too critical, I know that this jam is not included in the TOP 10 jam list, but just feel the love and affection of a father for his son and go on a journey with me full of fear, despair, hope, courage and Cure.
This is for you, Hannes. My son.