January + stitches recovery 2020
Starting another set of 12 videos. One for each month. The idea is to focus on staying active creatively. I want to work with new concepts video wise that highlight movement in cool ways. For example, you might get a detailed tutorial video one month, or an action skit another month, or just a really hype and well shot run of the mill pk video. Whatever the case, I don't want to do any more phone dumps. So expect good things to come!
This month I started 2020 with 6 stitches on the top of my left foot. Between that and my left knee injury I got in october 2019, I have been spending a lot of time resting and training movement onto and off of my right leg. It's been fun but I wish I could just do cork and punch and cart off my left leg again :(
The stitches came out on the 10th though so I spent the majority of the month restrengthening and reconnecting with my movement. See you in February!