kid SLAPS mom to get PS4 back then.. (BIG MISTAKE)
kid SLAPS mom to get his PS4 back.. (fortnite)
guy falls off the tallest water slide then.. (Fortnite) Best Trends shufflegamer itsowen skydiverge trend spot sky diverge
Dad tries to save son from falling then..
lady tries to fight kid then.. (MUST WATCH!)
These Fortnite streamers play Fortnite season 10 Battle Royale for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch & Mobile Devices [IOS + Android] in 2019. These streamers include Tfue, Ninja, H1ghsky1, Pokimane, Faze Jarvis & more. This is NOT a Fortnite Free Items, Skins or V-Bucks Video. Enjoy this Fortnite season 10 video.
Video uploaded by Best Trends.
Subscribe for more Daily Best Fortnite: Battle Royale Moments! inspired by Ninja, Faze Tfue, Lazarbeam, Ali-A, Lachlan, Muselk, & BCC Trolling