Kromfohrländer - TOP 10 Interesting Facts
Top 10 facts about the Kromfohrlander, a spirited, lively and friendly dog breed.
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Short Kromfohrlander description:
The Kromfohrlander is a small to medium sized dog breed with pretty athletic and long body and average height between 38-46 cm, which is 15-18 inch and weight is usually between 10-14 kg, which is 22-31 lbs. The females are naturally slightly smaller than males.
The Kromfohrlander comes in two different coat types, one is smooth and the second is wirehaired with beard. The beard is one of the main differences between the coats and wirehaired version always must have the beard. The rough haired type looks little bit more like a terrier, while smooth coated type resembles a spaniel type dog a little bit more. The color of the Kromi is white with tan to dark brown markings on the body and symmetrical markings on head.
Kromfohrlander facts VIDEO TIMESTAMPS:
0:35 Origin
1:02 Name
1:26 Companion
2:01 Alertness
2:29 Rarity
2:54 Size
3:17 Coat
3:46 Doggy odor
4:04 Maintenance
4:32 Health
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