Learn Biology com AP Bio FRQ Reader Panel : Getting Students to Succeed on the AP Bio FRQs,
Do you want to hear advice from AP Bio Readers — the folks who grade the AP Bio exam? Then this video is for you.
On April 29, 2021, Mr. W of Learn-Biology.com assembled a panel of 5 AP Bio readers to share their best advice with AP Bio teachers about how to get their students to shine on the FRQ portion of the AP Bio exam.
* Jason Cox, AP Bio Teacher at Charlestown High School in Indiana. Jason was Indiana’s 2019 Outstanding Biology Teacher. He’s been leading the Academic Team and Science Olympiad for nearly 20 years, and he’s also been a national presenter for the National Math and Science Initiative for the past decade.
* Allison Kittay. Allison is an Education Consultant who taught AP Biology for 16 years at El Cerrito High School and 16 years at Redwood High School, both in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has been an AP Biology Exam reader for over 20 years, and a College Board Consultant since 2002. She’s also a consultant for the UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology and for Mini One.
* Kelley Derrick, AP Bio Teacher at Wausau West High School in Wisconsin. Kelley has scored AP exams since 2006 and she’s been a Table Leader for the past 3 years. She was recognized by the NABT as the Outstanding Biology Teacher for the state of Wisconsin in 2012.
* Tom Freeman, AP Bio Teacher at Esperanza High School in Anaheim California. Tom has been an AP Reader since 2010. He’s also the National Association of Biology Teachers Regional Director for Region IX (the whole West Coast) and a member of the NABT Professional Development Committee.
* Corey Mullins, AP Bio Teacher and science department chairperson at Turpin High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. Corey has been a reader since 2010. She has also served as a table leader, and this year she’s going to be a question leader.
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