Let's Fail at Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Fatalnerd vs. The Masters *Update Video*
*This video was made for the General Audiance*
*Read me please with a cherry on top!!!!*
I decided to do another update video to keep you inform of some ideas I have along with what going on with videos
1) Next Game after Calling vote. . .. I need to know what game you want :(
2) Fatal Frame 3 and Calling are going up. Fatal Frame 3 is off with videos meaning that it might change quality through the series because I'm trying out new things so please tell me how that goes. Calling has five more videos left before the end (told you it was long)
3) I am thinking of doing a test stream (don't know when) with Fatal Frame 3 (playing it second time through on one of my other save files) and maybe (if you guys want it) do facecam or facecam with cosplay (mostly my original character Aleina) so tell me how you feel about that idea
4) Here are the games again for the vote if you don't want to go back to the Thrillville: Off the Rails Video (hope you vote :) ):
1) Fatal Frame 1 (Remastered)
2) Fatal Frame 2 (Remastered)
3) Calling (Remastered)
4) Clock Tower 3 (Remastered)
5) Battle for Bikini Bottom
6) Thrillville: Off the Rails
7) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
8) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
9) Jeep Thrills (Blind)
10) Nicktoons Unite (may glitch at one point but still works)
11)Toy Story Mania
12) Bioshock Infinite (Semi-blind) (The other two are Xbox and my Xbox broke sadly) (PS3 I need to figure out how to fix the resolution)
13) Avatar: The Last Airbender: Burning the Earth
14) Avatar: The Last Airbender: Into the Infero (The other Avatar game I have, I have to check because it has been glitching out these past tries)
15) The Witch's House MV (Normal and Extra Mode)
16) Ib (RPG Horror)
17) Mad Father (RPG Horror)
18) Misao (RPG Horror)
19) Corpse Party Series
20) Over the Hedge (Video Game)
21) Adventures of Scarlet Curiosity
22) Luigi's Mansion 3