Life Process Class 10 | CBSE Biology | Excretion | Revision Series in Hindi | Magnet Brains
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Excretion - Class 10th Biology
Life Process
In this video we'll learn about - Excretion , its various aspects and how it affects you. This video continues the series, Biology Class 10 Chapter - Life Process.
Biology Class 10
Chapter: Life Process(Excretion )
Useful For: NCERT / CBSE / ICSE / NEET/ AIIMS / Medical Entrance Exams
Previous Video: Transportation :
Organism removes harmful metabolic waste from the body.
Unicellular organisms -
Cellular metabolism are diffused into the surrounding.
E.g. Amoeba and Paramecium.
Multicellular organisms -
E.g. Flame cells (Planaria), nephridia (earthworm), uric acid (birds) urea (humans), etc.
Ammonia is water soluble waste product excreted by aquatic animal.
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