LIVE: How to feed your newborn baby properly!
Being a parent, be it for the first time, or your fourth time over, its definitely exciting. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows.
With my firstborn, Isobel, I was amongst the first of my peers to have a baby and though I seemed prepared for everything including my elective Caesarean, NOONE warned me about breastfeeding.
How is it that breastfeeding is considered the most natural thing, but may not be the easiest for everyone, especially during the first few days after delivery.
So today's LIVESTREAM, to help me with some of the questions I have compiled, we have Dr Nurzarina Rahman, Lactation Counselor & Parentcraft Education Specialist from Klinik Famili Gravidities.
Stand a chance to win a Pigeon Go Mini Double Electric Breast Pump by answering these questions and posting your answers via my FACEBOOK page (Daphne Iking)
1. The Pigeon Go Mini Breast Pump has won 3 prestigious awards. What are they?
2. According to Dr Zarina in my interview with her, there are a few stuff you can eat or consume to boost your breastmilk supply. What is it?
3.Tell me why you need a Pigeon Go Mini Breast Pump.
I will annouce the winner in my next aLIVE with Daphne Iking LIVESTREAM. All the best!