[Live]Animal Crossing: New Horizons|Arriving on our Island!|Come hang out! #SavetheFamily
Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Stream!
Today, we are playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
Doomguy needs to take a break from killing demons so, we are going to sail to our island and enjoy relaxation in Animal Crossing!
Starting from this moment on all funds that come to the channel (Ads, Memberships, Super chats, Streamlabs Donations, & Merch) will going straight towards a big donation goal to help save Kaylas Family! All Support is much appreciated! We are aiming for 2000 Dollars on my end! Let's make it happen, guys! Help Save Kaylas Little brothers from the awful things their father does to them!
You can also donate here where Kayla made a GoFundMe Page for the very same reason! https://www.gofundme.com/f/5ucy8-help-get-my-brothers-back?utm_source=messenger&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cf%20share-flow-1&fbclid=IwAR3mAlK7bg0l4YntJbRtlRs8ZFEboDLvcWOyepK9QSkoB4F4GQ1IEZ4SDrs
!Pillage (Treasure amount you want up to 10000)
!titlematch (Challenge a fellow viewer)
!battleroyal (challenge all the viewers that join in the battle royal)
!gamble (Treasure amount you want up to 1000000)
!mrpig=Poke Mr. Pig.
!8ball=Type your question after 8ball to get a response.
!gg=Victory Message
!rip=Death Message
!poo=Conker Quote
!bounce=Conker Quote
!boi=Kratos says boi
!mrkrabs=Mr. Krabs Quote
!beep=Make fun of John
!highfive=High Five another viewer
!guhhuh=guh huh
!boop=Boop a viewer (type their name after boop)
!boopall=Boop Everyone!
!treasure=Amount of Treasure you earned from chatting and watching
!toppigs=Top 5 viewers with the most treasure.
!topdragons=Top 5 viewers with the most hours.
!brofist=Brofist a viewer (type their name after brofist)
!brofistall=Brofist Everyone in Chat.
!give=Give some Treasure to a viewer (type their name after give.)
!hug=Give a magical hug to a viewer (type their name after hug.)
!hugall=Hug Everyone in chat.
!uptime=How long the stream has been live.
!quote (insert number 0-107)=Quotes
!makeitrain=Spend Treasure to give treasure
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nlueck96
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dragongaming90yt/?hl=en
Check out my Discord and become part of the Community https://discord.gg/FqUutdT
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/DragonGamingism
Check out Streamlabs Prime: https://streamlabs.com/editor?promo=dragongaming-1f18-10
Get your own PigSlayer Merch today!
Kayla Bernier
Dark Gamer
Alpha Gaming
Alex the Legend of Smash
John Guadarrama
Pixel Man 2020
Colby Kong
Foxy the Gamer
Big Uzi
Dr. Swablu
Laura Vanderbooben
Stream Rules!
1: My chat is PG-13.
2: No spamming text or emojis.
3: No self-promo in chat.
4: Be respectful of each other.
5: Please no backseat gaming. Let me figure it out first and if I am having a hard time, then I will ask for help.
6: No asking for mod.
7: No spamming caps.
8: No sharing/asking for personal information.
9: Please don't beg/spam for quotes.
10: Have fun! :)
Stream Schedule:
Monday: DOOM Eternal
Tuesday: Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Tuesday: Crimson Gray: Dusk & Dawn (Gliitchzz Collab)
Wednesday: DOOM Eternal
Friday: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe/Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Saturday: Spider-Man PS4
Sunday: LEGO Harry Potter Collection
I hope you guys enjoy your stay with DragonGaming!