Lockdown Days | Effective Time Table for NEET 2020 Preparation | Topper Time Table | Arvind Arora
Know-Effective Time Table for NEET 2020 Preparation by Arvind Arora. and become NEET topper.
बच्चो यह रहा आपका Daily Time Table, इसको अपने study table पर लगाओ, Follow करो और NEET 2020 को अपना बनाओ!!! @VedantuNEETMadeEjee
Click the link now and get your timetable!
Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aqyr6uKdG02tiWP5qfM1HHogdZeh1jMZ/view?usp=sharing
This session will mainly be around the Effective Time Table for NEET 2020 Preparation. In today's class, Arvind Arora Sir will talk about the Super Strategy for NEET Preparation 2020 and share some preparation tips on how to make an effective timetable for the neet 2020 exam.
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