Loco Amor-Christine D'Clario I Cover de Bateria Y Lyricas
Tocando una hermosa alabanza a nuestro señor. This is a little different but I hope you guys like it God Bless!
#ChristineDClario #LocoAmor #Lyricas #Bateria
Gear Used:
Yamaha Absolute Hybrid Maple Custom 22 bass drum, 10, 12, 16 toms with Evans UV1 on the batter side of the toms. Yamaha Recording Custom snare 13 by 6.5 with an Evans HD Dry. Byzance Jazz thin 14in Hi hats, 16 in extra dry thin crash, 18 in medium thin traditional crash, 6 in brilliant splash, 20 in Benny Greb sand ride, 18 in byzance dual crash, and a 17 in brilliant medium thin crash.
Recording Equipment:
Focusrite clarett 8Pre
Logic Pro
Telefunken M81 on Snare Top, Miktek pm10 on toms, telefunken m82 in the kick drum, Audio-Technica at4041on Hihat, and 2 Aston Starlights overhead.