Logitech Combo Touch - Review | BEST Keyboard Case with Trackpad for iPad 7th generation + Air?!
Link to Paperlike! https://paperlike.com/Noah8 You guys requested it so I bought and review it! This is my take on the Logitech Combo Touch for iPad Air (3) 2019 and the iPad 7th generation. It very well may be the BEST keyboard case with trackpad for these iPad models and I am very impressed with what you get for just $150!
Link to iPadOS trackpad video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cqfWe0zU_A&t=18s
Link to case: https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HP372ZM/A/logitech-combo-touch-keyboard-case-with-trackpad-for-ipad-air-3rd-generation?afid=p238%7CsidQw2oBi-dc_mtid_1870765e38482_pcrid_246387002832_pgrid_54584529771_&cid=aos-us-kwgo-pla-btb-3pp--slid---product-HP372ZM/A