M4 Build Guide - Top 4 Lowest Recoil & Highest Ergo Builds - Escape From Tarkov - 0.12.3
My 4 favourite m4 builds. With the best stats!
1) Lowest Recoil Loud: 00:15
2) Lowest Recoil Suppressed: 01:10
3) 100 Ergonomics Loud: 01:54
4) 100 Ergonomics Suppressed: 03:14
1) Recoil L: https://imgur.com/gallery/6HNyTQi
2) Recoil S: https://imgur.com/gallery/SK5bns1
3) Ergo L: https://imgur.com/gallery/1vr26yn
4) 100+ Ergo S: https://imgur.com/gallery/oUir7AL
5) God M4: https://imgur.com/gallery/26SD9x0
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