Maestro. Episodes 1-3. Russian TV Series. StarMedia. Adventure Drama. English Subtitles
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Type: TV series
Genre: adventure drama
Year of production: 2016
Number of episodes: 12
Directed by:Eduard Parri
Written by:Maksim Belozor based feat A. Barbakaru
Production designer:Vladislav Ryzhikov
Director of photography:Ilya Melikhov
Music by:Vladimir Kripak
Producers: Artem Dollezhal , Vlad Riashyn
Cast:Leonid Telezhinskiy, Nikolay Shatokhin, Anna Vorkueva, Antonina Divina, Stanislav Boklan, Andrey Nazimov, Dmitriy Vozdvizhenskiy, Fedor Lavrov, Oleg Kassin
In the late 1980s, Pasha Karitonov, a young musician from Odessa, returns home from an eight-month trip to India working on board a merchant ship. He has been trying to earn enough money to buy his own flat, a condition imposed by the father of his girlfriend, Lilia before they can get married. However, when exchanging his currency one day, Pasha encounters a young swindler girl, who steals all his money. Pasha realises that this puts paid to the wedding plans, so the lovers decide to flee to Crimea.
Shortly before their departure, Pasha encounters the swindler girl once again, but this time he is captured and taken prisoner by a gang of gypsies. Signalling the end of their relationship and seeing no future any more with Pasha, Lilia decides to go and study in Leningrad.
Meanwhile, Pasha finds himself falling in love with his new 'friend', the swindler girl, Lera, and from time to time unwittingly becomes involved in her criminal activities. But Pasha is not looking for easy money, as he has a dream to fulfil - to create his own rock band. Soon he and his friends will become famous rock stars. Much of his success in building the band is due to Lera's help, but, in return, Pasha often comes to her aid as well. His ambition is to turn her away from her life of crime, but will she find the strength and courage to give up her old way of life for the sake of Pasha's love?
And then, as if to complicate matters further, Lilia returns to Odessa. But by this time, Pasha has changed a lot since their last meeting and will now have to listen to the voice of his heart and conscience more attentively than ever, even sometimes at the risk of his own life. Which girl does he really love?
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