MEGA Ideas for ACTIVITIES with Things Around the House - Free and Easy Boredom Busters
I've put together a mega idea list for activities for kids that require only household items. These are boredom busters for kids of all ages that you can put together in a pinch. They are simple and easy and will keep your kids entertained when you have nothing to do are they say they are bored. These activities are from past Purple Alphabet videos too. Let me know if you have any great ideas for activities to do with absolutely nothing. Love it when you don't have to buy something to have fun.
#boredombusters #activitiesforkids #freeactivitiesforkids
For media inquires or if you would like me to review your product/service email: thepurplealphabet at gmail dot com
Send me a note!
Christina @ The Purple Alphabet
PO BOX 2846
San Marcos, CA 92069
Disclaimer: The products featured in this video were purchased by myself or sent to me for review for free. Some videos may be sponsored by brands that I enjoy.
Make sure to * ALWAYS* use discretion when deciding age appropriate activities and supervise your children.
MUSIC: courtesy of Soundstripe. Get your YouTube Music here: (affiliate)