Mid Lane Fundamentals - Game Plans And Win Conditions - Tying Together The Fundamentals - Episode 7
MID LANE FUNDAMENTALS EPISODE 7 // This video will tie together all of the fundamentals from the previous videos. I cover what variables need to be considered when creating a game plan, when identifying win conditions and when adapting within a game. I highly recommend you take your time when watching this video because there is a lot of information. Thanks for the support everyone! Cheers :)
00:00 - 01:54 // Introduction, How This Video Will Work
01:54 - 04:10 // Analogy Time! (For win conditions)
04:10 - 14:01 // Creating a game plan
14:01 - 18:40 // Creating a game plan EXAMPLE
18:40 - 25:00 // Identifying Win Conditions + Adapting
25:00 - 31:05 // Identifying Win Conditions EXAMPLE
31:05 - 33:29 // Introducing THE MOST IMPORTANT CONCEPT (Losing Gracefully)
33:29 - 38:04 // Losing Gracefully EXAMPLE
38:04 - 40:11 // Mid/Late Game Win Conditons
40:11 - 47:57 // Late Game Win Condition EXAMPLE
47:57 - 51:01 // How to use this information and execute on it & outro
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#MidLaneFundamentals #CoachCurtis #LeagueOfLegends