MikeNotJerry's Top 10 Stocking Stuffer Guide!
The holidays are almost here, but don't you worry! I've pulled together my top 10 (or 11... or 12) perfect stocking stuffer gifts for the artist in your life (or even for yourself). I've got supplies for all different mediums and all different price points, including some of my personal favorites.
Below are links to the items featured in the video:
Creative Mark Try Me Brush Sets - http://bit.ly/2EqsXkb
Aquastroke-Go Watercolor Water Brush Pen - http://bit.ly/2RElWn3
Chelsea Classical Studio Oil Painting Mediums Sampler Cube - http://bit.ly/2QOYV0z
Dream Board Mini - http://bit.ly/2POUK48
12 Shades Of Grey Paint Set:
Acrylic - http://bit.ly/2QiUwTf
Oil - http://bit.ly/2Qmf9xV
Mimik Kolinsky Sable Mini Deluxe Travel Brush Set - http://bit.ly/2QA0YWh
LUKAS Aquarell 1862 Artists' Watercolor Half Pan Set of 12 - http://bit.ly/2NKOpSO
Cézanne Superior Artists’ Graphite Drawing Pencils Set - http://bit.ly/2RHz0IC
Goldenritt Sketchwriter Fountain Pens - http://bit.ly/2rGW9j0
Old World Luxury Italian Leather Bound Soft Cover Sketch Books - http://bit.ly/2IAB7FB
Jerry’s Artarama Gift Cards - http://bit.ly/2SyIC4W
BONUS! MikeNotJerry’s Favorite Stocking Stuffer Set - http://bit.ly/2KKQzCO