Minecraft Bedrock: Improved GHAST FARM! 2,800 Gun Powder/Hour! Easy Tutorial MCPE Xbox PC Switch
NEW Bedrock Edition Tutorial! I show you how to build a NEW SIMPLE GHAST FARM! This is a great source of gun powder, producing 2,800 gun powder / hour! This farm is extremely cheap and easy to build, doesn't have any complex redstone, and works on all Bedrock Edition Devices! If you liked this video drop a like and maybe subscribe! Thanks:)
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WORLD DOWNLOAD! "Ghast farm V2" let me know your thoughts about the website:)
0:00 Improved Ghast Farm Overview!
1:34 How It Works & How To Use
5:35 Tutorial Start!
11:50 Overworld Ghast Killer
19:48 Final Steps!
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Materials list: Cheap!
Nether side:
3084 slabs (48 stacks & 12)
666 obsidian (10 stacks & 26) (get it from the end or use https://youtu.be/mbtpjNyXYUY)
8 marker blocks
Player portal, afk platform, sunflower + dirt, fire resistance potions, and extra blocks
Overworld side:
346 glass (could be solid blocks) (5 stacks & 26)
286 solid blocks (4 stacks & 30)
105 slabs (1 stack & 41)
32 redstone
26 obsidian
18 signs
12 buttons
8 minecarts
8 rails
4 tridents (impaling 1 or above)
4 pistons
2 chests
1 hopper
1 repeater
1 redstone torch
1 lever
infinite water source
blocks for the enderpearl pillar
looting 3 sword, flint and steal, player portal, marker blocks for chunk outlines, enderpearls
Music by Argofox: http://bit.ly/2vsxAF1
#Minecraft #BedrockEdition #LetsPlay
PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down ;)