Moi’s funeral accorded full military honours
They were early to receive the body at lee funeral home, and escort it to Parliament. The centre of attention being the gun carriage on which Moi lay, pulled by the gun carrier where seven millitary officers sat. And on arrival, pall bearers were in waiting to receive the body. In unison they unlocked the casket, pulled it off the carriage onto the waiting trolley. More officers joining in to handle the task and direct the body into parliament buildings. But not without salute. 20 officers from the Kenya Airforce mounted a quarter guard, their guns in salute position as the body of the former commander in chief went past them. The military playing music for the solemn occasion. Slowly, the body taken through parliamentary corridors into the waiting table on which a temporary bed had been prepared. The bed was dressed in green in keeping with President Moi’s presidential standard, a green flag. Behind the curtains, the soldiers moved the body from the casket and prepared it for public display…this was the making of lying in state. But even in death, the fallen former commander in chief would not be lonely. Standing by his side were four millitary officers. Two of them from the kenya army, and one from the Kenya navy and kenya airforce. Two other officers stood outside the Moi Square.