Morocco & the IMF: Partnership for Progress
Morocco plays a pivotal role as a gateway between Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The partnership between #Morocco and the #IMF has helped deliver economic progress with more reforms needed to cement the gains for the benefit of all Moroccans.
Le Maroc est une passerelle importante entre l’Afrique, l’Europe et le Moyen-Orient. Le partenariat entre le Maroc et le FMI a permis de réaliser des progrès économiques, que de nouvelles reformes pourront consolider pour le bénéfice de tous les Marocains.
Dr. Bouchra Rahmouni, Director of Research, Partnerships, and Events, Policy Center for the New South;
Mr. Abdelaziz Meftah, CEO, AMICA, auto industry association;
Mr. Mohamed Benchaaboun, Minister of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform, Morocco;
Mr. Abdellatif Jouahri, Governor, Bank-Al-Maghrib Ms. Ghislane Guedira, Chief Financial Officer, OCP Group