Murder Capital | Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities around world | Be Aware
be careful Murder Capital | Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities around world
Want to know which it the world’s most dangerous city? Here’s a list of the most dangerous cities in the world 2019, ranked by homicide rate per 100,000 residents.
There are several ways you could measure which is the most dangerous city in the world, you could, for example, compare the overall crime rate or the more common way to rank each city by how many homicides there are per 100,000 people.
If you’re going to visit some of the most dangerous cities in the world, remember to stay vigilant, don’t show your valuables and definitely don’t get yourself in the middle of the crossfire if a conflict occurs nearby.
1. Tijuana
2. Acapulco
3. Caracas
4. Victoria
5. Ciudad Juarez
6. Irapuato
7. Guayana city
8. Natal
9. Fortaleza
10. Ciudad Bolivar
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