My FAVORITE Tarot Decks to work with- My TOP 5 Tarot Decks for 2020 -
Can you believe it's December already ?!? 2020 is almost over !!! With it being the end of 2020 it's time to do a recap for the year and talk about my Top 5 tarot decks that I've used for 2020. These are my FAVORITE tarot decks that I have been working with quite a bit throughout the year and wanted to share them with you! Not only to show off these tarot decks but to talk about why I like them so much and why they ended up in my top 5 tarot decks of 2020 list! For me, these have been the best tarot decks to work with, each with their own reasons! What are your top 5 tarot decks that you have worked with ? Which tarot decks do you think are the best and are your favorite?