my top 10 biggest high school regrets!
my top 10 biggest high school regrets!
i have a lot of regrets but honestly i’d rather not dwell on them or i’ll drive myself crazy. hopefully you take from this some things not to do in high school as well as things that you should do in high school. everything happens for a reason and in the end you’ll end up where you want to be with the right persistence and determination, regardless of your past "mistakes" if i can even call them that.
a little bit about me and this channel:
my name is tosin (toe-sin) and i am an 18 y.o. college freshman whose current mission on this channel is to take you guys along my journey into adulthood and spread a little black girl magic along the way!☺️i am very career oriented and have lots of plans to grow and flourish financially, mentally, and physically, so hopefully we can do that together :) i also know how to have some fun believe it or not