My Top 10 Favorite Games (as of February 2020)
Jamey discusses his favorite games! Games from his company, Stonemaier Games, were not eligible for this list.
All of Jamey's game ratings are found here:
Games mentioned in the video are Lords of Waterdeep, Skull, Bunny Kingdom, poker, Ra, Blokus, Scotland Yard, 7 Wonders Duel, Terra Mystica, Isle of Skye, Orleans, Azul Summer Pavilion, QE, Incan Gold, Cartographers, Hanamikoji, Sushi Roll, Downforce, and the top 10:
1. Clank
2. Magic the Gathering
3. TIME Stories
4. The Castles of Mad King Ludwig
5. Tzolk’in
6. Watergate
7. Fantasy Realms
8. Roll Player
9. The Quacks of Quedlinberg
10. Dice Throne
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