My Top 10 Favorite IP Games
Jamey discusses a number of different IP (intellectual property) tabletop games.
First segment (Stonemaier Games):
• Scythe
• Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Second segment (ambassador picks)
• Marvel Champions
• Lord of the Rings LCG
• Battlestar Galactica
• Firefly
• Game of Thrones
• Jaws
• Dune
Third segment (potpourri)
• Nemesis
• Dinosaur Island
• Funkoverse
• Unmatched
• Anchorman
• Small World of Warcraft
• Pillars of the Earth
• Civilization
• Jetpack Joyride
• This War of Mine
• Frostpunk
• Call to Adventure
• Zorro: The Dice Game
• Bob Ross: The Art of Chill
• The Expanse
• Trogdor
The Top 10 (whenever I got to a certain category, after naming my pick I listed other games within that IP, so if you could sidebar them, that would be great)
1. Lords of Waterdeep
2. Legendary Encounters: Alien
3. Mechs vs Minions
4. Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle (also mentioned Death Eaters Rising)
5. Mansions of Madness (also mentioned Arkham Horror LCG, Eldritch Horror, Arkham Horror, A Study in Emerald, AuZtralia, Cthulhu Death May Die, Pandemic Reign of Cthulhu, Mythos Tales, Cthulhu Wars, Mountains of Madness)
6. Villainous (Marvel Champion, Marvel Legendary, Marvel United, Marvel Dice Masters, Thanos Rising)
7. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
8. Star Wars Rebellion (Star Wars LCG, Destiny, Imperial Assault, X-Wing Miniatures Games, Outer Rim, Epic Duels)
9. Love Letter: The Hobbit (Lord of the Rings LCG, War of the Ring, Battle of the Five Armies, Hunt for the Ring, Journeys in Middle Earth)
10. The Reckoners
00:00 - Introduction
00:50 - Stonemaier Games
02:52 - Fan Picks
03:59 - Honorable Mentions
11:11 - Top 10
27:35 - Other Thoughts
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Intro animation by Jeff Payne