My Top 10 Online School Tips for Students
Hi, friends!
Here are my top 10 online school tips for students! I figured that these might be helpful as everyone has been switching over to virtual / online learning because of the virus! I have been taking online classes for most of my college life, and even some during high school.
I know that this time has brought a lot of change for many people. If online school isn't your thing, I send you all of the virtual hugs and want to encourage you to just do your best and have hope that this is just a "for now" thing. Or maybe for some of you, you'll find that you thrive doing distance learning!
I hope that these online school tips were helpful for you. Hugs!
Let's be friends!
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Music by frumhere, kevatta - warm feeling -
#onlineschooltips #distancelearning #virtualschool