In Stephen Sharer last vlog “NO ELECTRICITY for 24 HOURS to STOP MYSTERY NEIGHBOR HACKS!! (SAVING SHARE THE LOVE MERCH STORE)” Stephen and Best Friend Twin John were on a mission to turn off electricity for 24 HOURS to turn off WIFI so the mystery neighbor could not break into the Share The Love Merch Store!! Once there was NO power for 24 Hours the Sharer Family must stay outside and not use electricity overnight to ensure the Wifi is perfect. scared the mystery neighbor away by building at home DIY arts and crafts devices to scare away ELLEN. All these homemade pranks worked and Ellen ran back to her mansion and was no longer able to break into Sharer Fam house!! In Stephen Sharer newest vlog new video, Steven Share and John Sharer were not able to turn on the MAIN POWER SUPPLY at the SHARER FAM HOUSE using their TOP SECRET CENTRAL CONTROL PANEL GADGET SWITCHES and their SPY NINJA GADGETS. Because of this, it gets too hot inside and Stephen and John must do a 24 HOUR DIY BACKYARD CAMPING MYSTERY BOX CHALLENGE for $10000 in order to survival the night at 3AM. After setting up their Homemade DIY Camping Supplies, they explore a secret entrance into a TOP SECRET ESCAPE ROOM INSIDE SHARER FAM HOUSE BACKYARD! Once there, they use a TOP SECRET MYSTERY SPY NINJA GADGET VOICE DISGUISE like CHAD WILD CLAY to talk with the MYSTERY NEIGHBOR TWINS SISTER ELLEN AND KAREN and REVEAL their ULTIMATE MASTERMIND SECRET PLAN!