NAD+ and resveratrol levels affect the aging process | David Sinclair
NAD+ is a substrate for the sirtuin proteins, a family of enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic processes. Sirtuins utilize NAD+ to remove specific chemical structures called acetyl groups – a process called deacetylation – from cellular proteins to control transcriptional regulation, energy metabolism, circadian rhythms, DNA repair, and cell survival. In a simple analogy, NAD+ is the fuel in a car that the sirtuins are driving. To carry that analogy a bit further, resveratrol, a plant-based molecule found in red grapes and peanuts, acts as an accelerator to enhance the activity of the fuel – NAD+. In this clip, Dr. David Sinclair describes the links between NAD+, sirtuins, and resveratrol in the aging process.
This clip was taken from the FoundMyFitness interview with Dr. David Sinclair found at
Original episode published on Nov 6, 2019