One to one relationship in core data swift 5 Hindi tutorial
Relationships in core data is a key topic which we will be learning in this swift tutorial, this tutorial covers what is relationship in core data and explains one to one core data relationship. Apart from that I have tried to cover a few details about core data as how does core data manages its relationship details internally.
Delete rule is very important in core data and it should be added very responsibly by the developer because if you set it wrong only the main entity is deleted and not its relational records.
Delete rule in core data is a separate topic on its own and I will be covering that topic in the later sessions.
This swift 5 core data Hindi tutorial tries to cover the most of relationship and I hope it tries to answer all your questions to handle one to one relationship in core data and if not then feel free to ask questions as comments or via email
Given are the links for core data CRUD operation tutorials
Part 1:
Part 2:
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