Onsen - Animated Short Film by ESMA (Animation Student Movie 2019) #Animation
Onsen by Carlotta Bourdonnais, Thibaud Garrigos, Carla Gharbi, Bastien Hamidi, Linda Neang, Lucas Planchon
Sypnosis:Two japanese monkeys fight for an onsen (natural spring water), but after an unexpected disaster they’ll have to help each other to survive.
Directors : Carlotta Bourdonnais, Thibaud Garrigos, Carla Gharbi, Bastien Hamidi, Linda Neang, Lucas Planchon.
Music : Olivier Hecho
Sound : José Vicente, Yoann Poncet – Studio des Aviateurs
© ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques
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