OTIS CROSSED THE LINE! Otis ATTACKED After Private Situation w/ Trish Stratus Goes Public | WWE News
Otis and Mandy Rose on Smackdown has been one of the main storylines for WWE on Smackdown. Otis and Mandy Rose became fan favorite superstars with their story and leading into money in the bank. Otis has a lot of momentum on his side. Otis has the support of Vince McMahon and that’s why Otis has been so successful
While promoting money in the bank, Otis recently revealed a story with Trish Stratus that Otis never told anyone before. While attending a WWE show as a fan, Otis ran to the barricade to see Trish Stratus, but was speared and tackled by WWE security. Otis has never told this story to anyone, not even Trish Stratus so it’s the first time hearing this story and it took over all WWE news and wrestling news headlines
Big Show Revealed some interesting comments about empty arena shows that made wrestling news headlines and he said how these wwe shows can actually help the current WWE Superstars. Leave you comments, don't forget to Subscribe, and leave a like if you enjoyed!
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#WWE #Otis #TrishStratus #MandyRose #WWESmackdown #WWENews #WrestlingNews #WrestlingRumors #WWEMoneyinthebank