Our FIRST Top 10 Finish on Clearlake Fishing Homemade A-Rigs | WWBT Team Bass Tournament Circuit
Follow along as we compete in the Wild West Bass Trail's Team Tournament Circuit on Clearlake CA and make a TOP 10 finish with homemade A-rigs, show you some of our awesome friends, and experiences along the way!
Bass Union Website - https://bassunionfishing.com
Book A Trip With Me - https://bit.ly/31Gqjzn
Bass Union Apparel - http://bit.ly/BassUnionApparel
The Finesse Football Jig I Use - http://bit.ly/BUFinesseFootballJig
The Heavy Cover Jig I Use - http://bit.ly/BUHeavyCoverFlippingJig
The A-Rig I Use - https://bit.ly/2XLiVCc
Bass Union Fishing Reports - https://bit.ly/344rbPA
INSTAGRAM - http://bit.ly/BassUnionInstagram
FACEBOOK - http://bit.ly/BassUnionFacebook
EMAIL - [email protected]
Sponsor - SunStor Solar https://bit.ly/2YREgtZ
They have been there from the beginning, and none of this would be possible without their support.
They service all California and if you are in the area check out their Yuba Sutter or Chico Mall
locations. Click the link below for a free quote and they'll discount $500 toward your new solar
system, or refer a friend/family member for a $500 incentive.
Where I get my Eyewear - https://www.carlsonoptometry.com/
(25$ off when you mention Bass Union)
Where I get my Rods - https://rodbroker.com
Vlogging Camera - https://amzn.to/2HY11qL
Vlog Camera Memory Card - https://amzn.to/2HXX5q1
The GoPro - https://amzn.to/2HZHkyQ
GoPro Micro SD Card - https://amzn.to/2OMTZ8M
GoPro Batteries - https://amzn.to/2Ic9Exf
Camera Case - https://amzn.to/2I03Fwo
The Drone - https://amzn.to/2OP0gkj