Our TOP 10 Autistic Traits That Abusers use to Destroy us! PLEASE Stand Guard!
Our TOP 10 Autistic Traits That Abusers use to Destroy us! PLEASE Stand Guard!
#howabuserswork #abusertactics #warningabuse
Are you being groomed for abuse QUIZ! 13 Signs for an Autistic to Watch for (Part 1/2) https://youtu.be/G9W8_EZF53U
Top 10 Truths ABUSERS Use to Manipulate YOU - QUIZ! ...who is messing with your head? https://youtu.be/QZiQVHq8kvA
Protect Yourself!!! How to not fall victim to GROOMING & Abuse (Part 2/2) https://youtu.be/uTDH1cn8rZM
130 warning signs of narcissism and toxic people - most complete list on Youtube 2019! https://youtu.be/jCkDzX15kzY
Early warning signs of an abuser quiz - does your partner match the profile of an abusive person? https://youtu.be/URaWlNOVZbM
9 psychological forms of manipulation that you may be unaware of 2019 https://youtu.be/1ktTrSs49ds
Aggression in relationships - abuse or appropriate? https://youtu.be/JZCzR0sq890
Clinginess!!! What the HECK it actually means - WARNING!!! BE WARE! https://youtu.be/EixXnHybW_0
Discover the Energy Vampires in Your Life NOW! 60 Question Energy Vampire Quiz... https://youtu.be/exXTN17-ias
The Role of Oxytocin in the Pathogenesis of Stockholm Syndrome and Other Abuse Cycles https://youtu.be/QXXzCbjqJkg
20 HUGE WARNING SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL ABUSE QUIZ! Are YOU being brainwashed? https://youtu.be/SYzd-f7eerc
Seriously Sociopath!? Autism or Sociopath QUIZ? Is it Sociopathy or ASD? https://youtu.be/XH_7OEhHSj0
Essential links for personal discovery of autism:
Here is the link to the aspie quiz: https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
8 Signs That Tell ALL! How to Spot an Adult with ASD! https://youtu.be/BGMPvPTJf3k
Aspergers Quiz / Aspergers Test! What is Aspergers Syndrome and do you have it? https://youtu.be/m6Rm3rSt6hg
Am I Masking? 30 Autistic Masking Questions Quiz - Find out if you are /masking now! https://youtu.be/6mai7O3YlE0
How to Spot ASPERGERS Now! 5 top signs to watch for that you must know! https://youtu.be/J5Vv1j79yQY
Word of WARNING for ANYONE looking to get a late diagnosis of AUTISM or aspergers! https://youtu.be/nreh3MgiIiM
If These 7 Things Make YOU Really gutsick - you may Actually be AUTISTIC! https://youtu.be/st74e-jIoe4
Am I autistic test! 9 Communication Styles That Confuse the LIFE out of Autistic People! https://youtu.be/4XL-bfrdiPM
Simple 1 question Aspie test / Aspie quiz! Best 2018 YouTube Aspergers syndrome test online! https://youtu.be/AyVS-iVMugA
Think you Might be Autistic? Keep Quiet and Show Them This INSTEAD! https://youtu.be/bcqFSXkHLR8
So what does it feel like to be autistic? https://youtu.be/KTDV8-8cDwo
4 Hilarious signs you are talking to an autistic :P https://youtu.be/nIib4A6efD8
Are you a "Primal Autistic" Quiz! Were you called a feral child? Take this Aspie Test! https://youtu.be/vXPK0AAM79U
Are YOU Thinking you may be Autistic? 5 Things you MUST KNOW RIGHT NOW! https://youtu.be/UTZ5zDhOB6s
How to know if you are an aspie in one simple question! https://youtu.be/kKEFcSeztZ8
What you MUST know now about ADULT & late diagnosis in AUTISM and aspergers! https://youtu.be/5Rxlchhb6Uo
My name is Carol, I am an Autistic Savant and I have always struggled with extreme neurodiversity (score of 205 on the Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) - average ASD female is roughly 162).
My main differences are extreme visual thinking / photographic memory, various forms of synesthesia, alexithymia, dyslexia, PTSD and cPTSD, various detachment and dissociative impairments (inability to connect / attach to people and animals). Physically my greatest issues are EDS and POTS as is common within the autistic community.
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